Inventory revaluation

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Inventory revaluation

Post by JBHF »

Hi, n my previous job, we did inventory revaluation twice a year, and in my new job, we do it every month. Is monthly revaluation excessive/redundant? What is the normal frequency of inventory revaluation let's say in a FMCG sector? How often you do you do it in your company?
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Re: Inventory revaluation

Post by JRSB »

In the sense of assessing the net realisble value and impairing where lower? I guess it depends if you're operating on slim margins and often find that inventory needs to be written down and therefore it's needed for inclusion in accurate management reporting. If not then once a year would do. I'm sure retailers of a certain size would have automatic real-time inventory provisioning based on sales prices and volumes, so somewhere between that and once a year. guess that's your question!
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